Reminiscing, I always reminisce the moment when I celebrated my Valentines Day. We had a great time in our church last February- this year. My sister and I as well as my cousin Mikee attended the “God Centered Love” presentation night in our church. During the service I’m surprised when I saw new faces. I realized that those new faces were our online friends from other churches. We usually communicate through internet social networking site. It’s a healthy exercise to do Christian Chat in the net, it will surely help you grow as Christian. That was really great to see all of them. I always reminisce that day because God gave me the perfect wonderful Valentine memories. It feels good to be in a room full of Christian friends. Hope you feel the same. God bless.
that's true, when your with your christian friends they're the best.
Great post. I did not know about this chat room. Thanks for the info.
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