It’s Impossible… All things are possible (Luke 18:27)
I’m too tired… I will give you rest (Matt. 11:30)
Nobody really loves me… I Love You (John 3:16 & 3:31)
I can’t go on… My grace is sufficient (II Cor. 12:9 & Ps. 91:15)
I can’t figure things out… I will direct your steps (Prov. 3: 5-6)
I can’t do it… You can do all things through Christ (Phil 4:13)
I’m not able… I am able (II Cor. 9:8)
It’s not worth it… it will be worth it (Rom. 8:28)
I can’t forgive myself… I forgive you (I John 1:9 & Rom. 8:1)
I can’t manage… I will supply all your needs (Phil. 4:19)
I’m afraid… I have not given you spirit of fear (II Ti 1:7)
I’m always worried and frustrated… cast all your cares on Me (I Peter 5:7)
I don’t have enough faith… I’ve given everyone a measure of faith (Rom. 12:3)
I’m not smart enough… I give you wisdom (I Cor. 1:30)
I fell all alone… I will never leave you nor forsake you (Heb. 13:5)
Believe… God is there for you.
In every step of your life... always here God's voice. I hope it will help you a lot. God Bless.
*Google photo
Thanks for reminding us of God's promises. God Bless!
Wow, what eloquent story - Thank you.
I looked at the photo. Beautiful silence drops down its eyes in shame for her weakness and radiates the gratitude for God's love in spite of all. Your shot clearly puts the above . That awakes indeed. Wow. You help the viewers to stand up.
Thanks for the wonderful reminders!
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