Friday, February 26, 2010

A Passion to Learn Piano

When I was young, I admired looking at the musical instruments as well as playing with them. I saw a lot of talented people playing different musical instruments and then I asked myself, “If others can, why I can’t?” I’m still wishing that I can learn it soon. Then until, I’m fully grown up, now I keep on longing for that fact that somebody I can play but I haven’t done it yet- ever since I was young. Is there someone who can help me learn to play with it?

Our church has a music ministry, and one of my wish is to perform and play piano- to glorifying God. I do really enjoy watching someone playing the piano- how I wish I can learn it too. Just like learning how to dance, draw and any other skills or talent, learning piano requires practice. You cannot practice if you don’t have your own personalize piano at home. I’m looking forward for any grand piano sale which I can avail.

If you really have that wish and passion to learn piano well you may check out this new Kawai piano, Baldwin piano and Steinway piano- a true high quality Pianos for sale. Have your latest shop online with the greatest piano shop.

Keep going everyone.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

MP3 Hunting?

I was sitting here in our living room, playing computer. It is almost 12 midnight and I still have a lot of things to do. My mom and dad are out and my sister is already sleeping. The ambiance of house is silent. It’s a silent night in deed. How I wish to have a headset in our computer so that I can listen to music without disturbing my sister (who is sleeping right now).

Well, aside from using the computer’s speaker, I can use my sister’s MP3 to listen to music (without disturbing anyone in the house) but there is little music saved in her MP3 so it’s a quite boring when I run out of songs in her MP3.

To end this up, well here’s a suggested site where you will surely love. It’s already here; you can easily Search and Download Mp3s easily. Yes, we can easily access song through the help of internet. We can also embed songs and post it and listen to your blog.

Yeah this really sounds interesting to me- this time blogging is no longer boring thing to do.
Keep going everyone. God bless always.

Enjoy the time in blogging and I hope this post can help you for your MP3 downloads.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Harvest Time Temple (Young People) Concert

We give back all the glory and honor to our Lord Jesus Christ for making our HTT young people concert a successful one.
With the help of the whole congregation, from the parents to the pastors, they are all supporting us.

Last February 21, 2010 finally our much awaited concert was on success. This is the preparation, rehearsals and the concert photos. Be bless.
February 20, 2010 photos:
painting for our stage designs

helping together as "one"

final output... well it's really colorful "youthful" in color (Glory to God)

rehearsals, general practice (music team and singers)

our opening song with our all young people (Song: ow Great is Our God)

hand mime... in the song "Broken Road- Rascal Flatts"

Next is singing (Songs: When God Ran, Seasons of Love and etc.), body worship (song:Only Hope), praise and worship, words of encouragement, inspirational videos and etc.

... and our unforgettable dance number (entitled: Till I See You) *that was really my fist time to dance in pop

Me and mys two sisters

I was glad because my mom, dad and cousins watched the concert

My HTT Young People Family

Everything I give thank to our Lord. He anoints me and blessed me in that concert. I don't feel nervous or afraid as I perform in the stage. I was so overwhelmed and overjoyed as I felt God's presence and anointing is withing us.

I will always live to Love you Lord. I will live to give you Praises.

Keep going everyone. God bless.

to read more from me, just visit:

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Young People Concert: Stage Design

This is the stage design during our concert. I'll post more pictures from last Sunday's young people Concert at Harvest Time Temple soon. Keep going everyone. God bless.

Looking for a Good Home?

May you have a relaxing and a happy weekend.

Do you look for real estate, condos and homes? Surely this is the site that can give you one of the best.

"We were very anxious when we bought our first house. But the pros at iDeal Location made it so easy for us. They took the time to explain every thing and made sure we were well taken care of. I would highly recommend them to anyone, but especially first time home buyers like us!"
-Shawn & Diane McAfee-Lyons

This is one of the comments I've found in their web site. I can suggest to you this links:
Real Estate Investment
Chicago Real Estate
Investment Real Estate
Check it out. Keep going. God bless.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Hearts Day Concert is in God's Favor

Glory to God. Our "Heart's Day Concert and Presentation" of the young people is very successful. Last Night is the night where God shows His great anointing and power.

I will update you soon. Keep going everyone. God bless.

"Truly God's favor are for those who faithfully love Him.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

How to Show Love?

How do you show your Love? How do you value your life? How do you value the person around you?

This “heart’s day” how can you show your love to the people around you- your family, friends and loved ones?

There was a time when I saw my mom crying, when I and my sister had a serious sickness, I feel like it is breaking my heart. I feel so sad at that time, not just because I was sick but because I saw mom crying because of us. At that time, I always pray to God to heal me and ease my mom’s burdens and sadness.

Overworking is somewhat a good thing to do but the truth is, it is not the right way in showing your love. It’s good to work hard for your family and loved ones but ones you are over stress and you risk your own life you are certainly abusing the wealth you have right now- which is your health. Give an extra time for them- accompany them, relax and have special time to enjoy each moment you have.

God wants to take good care of our heart and our health. Check out some of the health insurance leads today that can help you and your family. When the family is sick, well there’s always health insurance that will assist and help you financially.

For me, showing love to them is simple… love your health and love your life. Valuing your life is just like you value them as well. I realize how precious our life is. When we love someone, we have to love ourselves too.

Thank God I was healed.
Keep going everyone and God bless.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Shower Time?

Hello friends. Well, it’s good that I woke up early today. I eat my breakfast early in the morning. I supposed to take my shower early but as usual, it was moved later this afternoon.

Well everyday, as part of my daily course, is to take shower in the afternoon (maybe around 2 or 3 PM). I was used to this time schedule because first, I wake up late in the morning and second there’s no water at all. Every morning, the water runs out in our faucet and it will be back in the afternoon. Yeah, that time schedule really irritates me- especially when I want to take a bath in the morning.

Well, I cannot do anything about it anymore. How I wish that our bathroom will be the best place for a bath as well- just to ease my irritating mood- but the slippery floor irritates me more. How I wish I could have those shower enclosures I’ve seen in the net lately. Shower enclosures can really create and ambiance and great and romantic mood to have a shower. It’s really fascinating. I love the ambiance and its stylish look.

Bow Fronted Sliding Shower Door
(Includes Kudos Concept 2 Shower Tray, 90mm Shower Waste & FREE DELIVERY)

You better check it out and you’ll have fabulous shower mood ever.
Keep going.

Shopping and Home Renovating

Have a happy Thurday everyone.

Well, I was quite tired because of yesterday’s shopping. I, mom and my big sister stroll at the mall for the whole day. We don’t shop to buy whatever we want to but we shop to renovate our house.
We went to the appliances and furniture section and we bought a TV stand (to renovate our living room) and an electric juicer (which we really need for our health). So far, our house really needs some renovations especially the kitchen area.
I just want to change our kitchen tiles sinks with undermount sinks. As I’ve seen in the internet, it’s really helpful especially when you want to clean it and get rid of stinks sinks. Undermount sink is a stainless steel sink and is easy to clean and affordable sink. It is now available in the internet so it’s easy to purchase.

Maybe you want to renovate your kitchen, so you better check out there website and you’ll no longer need to stroll around the mall the whole day- just like what we did yesterday.

Keep going everyone. God bless.

Monday, February 15, 2010

I Want to Fall in Love with You Jesus

Glory to God. We give back all the glory and honor to Him. This is our Heart’s day concert and presentation poster. Ate Celesa Mae (our church mate) made this one. Joing us as the young people celebrates Jesus’ greatest love for all of us. Out from our overflows- God’s overflowing love- we will share it to the world and let them know how much He loves us.

This concert is a way of our worship and showing love for our God.
After the long month of practicing and rehearsals, in God’s time, finally it’s going to be a BIG day!

God bless everyone and pray for this presentation.
Keep going.

Let’s Have a Fun-Fund Raising

I’m not to be a leader but I’m trying to be one.

I am the vice president in our school’s organization. In our school department, I was elected as the officer- which is a vice president. Since our president is not around I was in charge to be the OIC (Office in Charge). I think it’s quite pressure for me because there are lots of responsibilities which are needed to compass and lead the student as well as the other officers.
The problem with is the lack of funds. I can’t say that I don’t know how to lead but the lack of funds is really a barrier to achieve your goals and plans for our department. We end up the activities- general assembly, foundation day and charter day- a lot of debts. The money we owe were used as a props, snacks and miscellaneous for the participants.

As a leader, we have to find ways to get over and pay all our debts. While browsing the net, well this idea caught my attention. It’s a great idea to organize this it in school- school fundraising. Wow, that is really a great idea but how will I know about this things? You know fund raising activity needs to planned and organized well.

fund raising ideas

I know you also want it for your school so maybe this school fundraising ideas can help you work out with you. There’s site who can work out with your ideas. Maybe you can do fund raising through scented candles, candies, cookies, school bags, fun T-shirts or chocolate and gift items for Valentine’s Day and etc.

Yeah, it is really a brilliant idea to have fund raising for our school funds. School fundraisers, check out the best ideas today and start raising money for your schools. You can check out there site for any brochures and  any suggestions.

Start within yourself a “Leader that can Lead amidst of any trials”.

Keep going and God bless.

Give Your Site a New Skin

Kung Hei Fat Choi or Happy Chinese New Year.

Achieve a fresh and new look for the year.

Change looks, hairstyles and etc. this is what people are really trying to do every New Year. Usually, we celebrate New Year every January but the Chinese celebrate it in February. We have a bloodline of Chinese that is why we celebrate it too here in the Philippines.

For me, everyday can be a New Year. You can always have a new you and a new style- for the better. What else can we change this new year? Well I’ve already done some makeover and beautification- physically.

Fun Wordpress Themes

This time maybe my site needs a new look and a new skin. I know you need it too so here’s some of the Best Wordpress themes to choose from- and its free. I just browsed this site and consider it sharing it with you. I know there are verities and styles you can choose from to achieve fresh and new look of your site. Surprise your visitors and daily readers with the new themes of your blog or site.

Keep going and God bless.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Hearts Day

I love to say this way… “Happy Hearts Day” to you my dear friends and bloggers. It’s a time for joy and love.

I hope every minute and every day is the day of hearts and LOVE. Always remember that the center of that love is our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. Oh, He is the only one who made me feel the real love and peace in my heart. It’s a total joy in my heart when I know that God is always – His never failing love- keeps my heart beating for Him.
Before I wish to celebrate this day with a special someone, but when I learned to fall in love with God (a true love) I learn that He alone is Love. I can no longer ask for more… “I shall not want any other love”. God filled me with His great tenderness and care that I can say “He is my true love”.
God bless everyone. Happy Hearts day.

Monday, February 8, 2010

My Dream Wedding

Carla (Rica) Peralejo and Joe Bonifacio's Same Day Edit from Jason Magbanua on Vimeo.

Pastor Joe Bonifacio and Rica Peralejo Wedding. One of the most inspirational wedding I’ve ever seen.

Rica was one of the popular-sexy actresses before. When she received Jesus Christ, her life was was transformed into a pure Christian- to be pure in Spirit and righteous woman. Her life is completely changed- her life is a complete testimony of a born-again Christian- born-again in Spirit and in truth. God is so gracious that she met “her God’s Will” of her life- the man who will completely love and respect her.

I love these lines from there vows…. “by God's grace...this is going to be one amazing life...”. Keep going everyone. Feel the love this Valentines. God bless.

I’m completely in love to God. Thank you Lord for Your Grace.

Enjoy the Fruits of Our Labor

We all know that health is wealth. A life of person is very important. Every person has a role to partake. We plays an important role in our society and in our loved ones.

"Working so hard can risk your health, You can be healthy today and tomorrow will not..."

For me, I’m not aware about my health and the things that cause risks to my health. Before I don’t really think about it, but now I realized that being so stress and over-working (in school and etc.) had a great impact in our health. Stress can really “kill you softly”. That is why, now, I’m making use of my time wisely and get enough rest. I don’t really go for a weekly check-up-even though I feel some sort of pain and sickness due to my stress. I don’t want that my family will worry about me, but what I’m doing right now will really cause them to worry. I'm looking forward to change myself and this attitude.

God wants us to be wise in what we are doing. God, family and our friends loves us that are why we need to love ourselves too. Be aware what is right and what is good for our health. Have a worry-free day. Get in involve with sports and eat a balance diet and check out some of the best
insurance leads today.

In insurance leads, you can learn and find more about health insurances and life insurances for you and your family- this site really suites for insurance shoppers and brokers. You may check this out and help your family with regards in finding the best insurance leads today.
God bless everyone. Take care always make decisions wisely.

Keep going.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

What can Web Host Do?

Sometimes, we often experience different difficulties in every task we made. Blogging is somewhat enjoyable but a difficult task to do. We have to make updates and good feeds in order to gain a good traffic and ranks. We always look for better options to choose to make some improvement and make our blog more accessible in an engine search and high ranking in the World Wide Web.

Blogging is a sort of decision making- whether you choose this topic to blog or not- everything is a choice. Learn on what blog host to choose and choosing the best theme for your blog.
In my one-year experience about blogging, I always owe a “thank you” to the dedicated web hosting company or great web hosting directories that gives me the best information of the top web hosting company. With regards to my traffic ranks, it can really help. They are the one who will host your site. So far, in my one and a half year in blogging, my blogs now have both Google PR 3 and I’m so thankful for that.

Maybe some of you are struggling on how and what to do to start your own blog or your business site, you better learn about web hosting first and know the bet web host today in order to make a good start.

Have a wonderful day and enjoy blogging.
God bless.

Make Your Gifts Personalized

Advance Happy Valentines Day!

Have you already received your valentine’s gift? Or are you planning to give a special gift for a special someone? Well, I’m not expecting to receive a Valentine’s gift but rather I’m hoping that I can give something for my loved ones. I’m not that type of person who really expects too expensive gifts. For me, I always appreciate a gift that is made for me personally- which is something unique and dedicated for me.

This valentine’s, no need for a bunch of roses and chocolates because you can make your own personalized gifts. Impress your loved ones with your gifts. Try to make it at home with the help of the new personalized gift software. Purchase it now and start making lovely gifts at home. This is a kind of software where in you can make a lot of creative deigns written with there names, poetry, name meaning, love quotes and –one of my favorite- bible verses. It is decorative design that you can make used graphic designing.

I always think of it as an advantage- for those who love designing. It can also be good software when you want to start up a new business- making personalize gifts, give away, token and etc. With the help of first name software, name meaning software and any form of personalized touch and designs software, truly your gifts is one of the unique and memorable one.

Keep going and God bless.