Monday, February 15, 2010

Let’s Have a Fun-Fund Raising

I’m not to be a leader but I’m trying to be one.

I am the vice president in our school’s organization. In our school department, I was elected as the officer- which is a vice president. Since our president is not around I was in charge to be the OIC (Office in Charge). I think it’s quite pressure for me because there are lots of responsibilities which are needed to compass and lead the student as well as the other officers.
The problem with is the lack of funds. I can’t say that I don’t know how to lead but the lack of funds is really a barrier to achieve your goals and plans for our department. We end up the activities- general assembly, foundation day and charter day- a lot of debts. The money we owe were used as a props, snacks and miscellaneous for the participants.

As a leader, we have to find ways to get over and pay all our debts. While browsing the net, well this idea caught my attention. It’s a great idea to organize this it in school- school fundraising. Wow, that is really a great idea but how will I know about this things? You know fund raising activity needs to planned and organized well.

fund raising ideas

I know you also want it for your school so maybe this school fundraising ideas can help you work out with you. There’s site who can work out with your ideas. Maybe you can do fund raising through scented candles, candies, cookies, school bags, fun T-shirts or chocolate and gift items for Valentine’s Day and etc.

Yeah, it is really a brilliant idea to have fund raising for our school funds. School fundraisers, check out the best ideas today and start raising money for your schools. You can check out there site for any brochures and  any suggestions.

Start within yourself a “Leader that can Lead amidst of any trials”.

Keep going and God bless.


  1. Just have a good time my friend...

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  2. This is a good idea. Fun in Fund raising. It would be great to have more people involve to this.

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