Monday, February 8, 2010

My Dream Wedding

Carla (Rica) Peralejo and Joe Bonifacio's Same Day Edit from Jason Magbanua on Vimeo.

Pastor Joe Bonifacio and Rica Peralejo Wedding. One of the most inspirational wedding I’ve ever seen.

Rica was one of the popular-sexy actresses before. When she received Jesus Christ, her life was was transformed into a pure Christian- to be pure in Spirit and righteous woman. Her life is completely changed- her life is a complete testimony of a born-again Christian- born-again in Spirit and in truth. God is so gracious that she met “her God’s Will” of her life- the man who will completely love and respect her.

I love these lines from there vows…. “by God's grace...this is going to be one amazing life...”. Keep going everyone. Feel the love this Valentines. God bless.

I’m completely in love to God. Thank you Lord for Your Grace.

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