Friday, February 26, 2010

A Passion to Learn Piano

When I was young, I admired looking at the musical instruments as well as playing with them. I saw a lot of talented people playing different musical instruments and then I asked myself, “If others can, why I can’t?” I’m still wishing that I can learn it soon. Then until, I’m fully grown up, now I keep on longing for that fact that somebody I can play but I haven’t done it yet- ever since I was young. Is there someone who can help me learn to play with it?

Our church has a music ministry, and one of my wish is to perform and play piano- to glorifying God. I do really enjoy watching someone playing the piano- how I wish I can learn it too. Just like learning how to dance, draw and any other skills or talent, learning piano requires practice. You cannot practice if you don’t have your own personalize piano at home. I’m looking forward for any grand piano sale which I can avail.

If you really have that wish and passion to learn piano well you may check out this new Kawai piano, Baldwin piano and Steinway piano- a true high quality Pianos for sale. Have your latest shop online with the greatest piano shop.

Keep going everyone.


  1. Hello LinGZ,

    Great to see you're still at it, blogging.

    I stopped blogging several months ago but creeped back at Lainy's Musings.

    Lainy is helping me out. If you have the time, please drop by at:…-caring-hearts


    God Bless you Always,


  2. It was always been my dream to learn how to play the Piano. One day, I know I will be able to do it. The Music instrument I play now is the Guitar by the way.

    Cheers from inbound call center

  3. Having passion for music is really cool. Specially on the Piano. Its soothing to the ear.
