Saturday, August 30, 2008

The Innocent Smile

I wish to be a kid again. Well, when we say kids, they have the most innocent smile. There is no pressure from society, no responsibility, they play and laugh freely. How I wish to be a kid again. Do you have that feeling? Oh, in some point of time we feel that way too. Well it just suddenly comes up in my mind, because I remember I will have a tutorial class with the kids tomorrow. Just wish me luck. Just remember all of us can be a kid again- by heart. God Bless.

Friday, August 29, 2008

My Day with the Lord (Sunday Oct.26)

Well it’s a great day today because God gave me another day to be with Him again. It’s quite late when we went to church with my sister. I got up late so we haven’t attended the Sunday school. I thought I miss the blessings. But, there’s no reason to hinder me with meeting the Lord today. Although were late, but to be anointed and worship the Lord is my greatest desire so I just go on so we still went to our church (Harvest Time Temple).
I tell you friends that the only way that gives you joy from within are to seek God everyday. I’m thankful that I’m a Christian now. I don’t have to struggle everyday, cause above those problems- you know me I’m a problematic person- there is Jesus who will be there from me. And that’s what I’ve learned today and during our convention yesterday. I find pleasure above all those circumstances. You know… worrying about the future. So if you still think that the joy that you feel inside your heart is not enough try to find some time with Him.
Have faith and cast your fears away. Trust in His council and rest. Be patient to wait God… for the days of His coming is approaching. Have a good Sunday afternoon.

Christian Blogging.... Why Blog?

Why I blogged? Well simply I want to express Me. I want the world will know about Jesus. This is the Blog that simply tells you about growing... in Christ in us.
It's about spreading the good news... an online testimony about the Goodness of God in our life.
It's about how God made your wonderful day.
It's about merry making of everyday blessings that comes from God.
It's about how we live... motivating and evaluating oneself according to God's standard.
It's about building special relationship with other people, communicating and sharing the good news about God.
It's about sharing Jesus and most of all... blogging is about... confession to God about your life, and how you live your life to the fullest. It's about God at all.
God Bless.

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Thursday, August 28, 2008

The Youth Revival

Everything in the future is uncertain. Many youth today seems to be confused about life. I think some of us seem to be unhappy about what life brings us. Try to establish something that will fulfill your happiness. I mean the real happiness. How was your life? Hey, do you ever make sense about your life? Well it’s time for us to reminisce our past, was it good? Well when you feel happy then that’s great, but make sure that you are in a right track and it will bring fruit at the end. Try to find yourself where you feel secure… belonging and to be complete. Then seek God. Don’t be afraid that you will be discriminated. It’s not the trend of society that will dictate you of who you really are. It’s time for revival. Let’s help revive our youth. Let’s bring them back to the kingdom of God.

I’m the newest blogger and my aim is to be a part of the blogger society to impart and partake about what life is all about. Exchange thoughts and emotions from within. To meditate ones mind. And revive ones life.