Friday, August 29, 2008

My Day with the Lord (Sunday Oct.26)

Well it’s a great day today because God gave me another day to be with Him again. It’s quite late when we went to church with my sister. I got up late so we haven’t attended the Sunday school. I thought I miss the blessings. But, there’s no reason to hinder me with meeting the Lord today. Although were late, but to be anointed and worship the Lord is my greatest desire so I just go on so we still went to our church (Harvest Time Temple).
I tell you friends that the only way that gives you joy from within are to seek God everyday. I’m thankful that I’m a Christian now. I don’t have to struggle everyday, cause above those problems- you know me I’m a problematic person- there is Jesus who will be there from me. And that’s what I’ve learned today and during our convention yesterday. I find pleasure above all those circumstances. You know… worrying about the future. So if you still think that the joy that you feel inside your heart is not enough try to find some time with Him.
Have faith and cast your fears away. Trust in His council and rest. Be patient to wait God… for the days of His coming is approaching. Have a good Sunday afternoon.

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