Thursday, August 28, 2008

The Youth Revival

Everything in the future is uncertain. Many youth today seems to be confused about life. I think some of us seem to be unhappy about what life brings us. Try to establish something that will fulfill your happiness. I mean the real happiness. How was your life? Hey, do you ever make sense about your life? Well it’s time for us to reminisce our past, was it good? Well when you feel happy then that’s great, but make sure that you are in a right track and it will bring fruit at the end. Try to find yourself where you feel secure… belonging and to be complete. Then seek God. Don’t be afraid that you will be discriminated. It’s not the trend of society that will dictate you of who you really are. It’s time for revival. Let’s help revive our youth. Let’s bring them back to the kingdom of God.

I’m the newest blogger and my aim is to be a part of the blogger society to impart and partake about what life is all about. Exchange thoughts and emotions from within. To meditate ones mind. And revive ones life.

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