Friday, August 29, 2008

Christian Blogging.... Why Blog?

Why I blogged? Well simply I want to express Me. I want the world will know about Jesus. This is the Blog that simply tells you about growing... in Christ in us.
It's about spreading the good news... an online testimony about the Goodness of God in our life.
It's about how God made your wonderful day.
It's about merry making of everyday blessings that comes from God.
It's about how we live... motivating and evaluating oneself according to God's standard.
It's about building special relationship with other people, communicating and sharing the good news about God.
It's about sharing Jesus and most of all... blogging is about... confession to God about your life, and how you live your life to the fullest. It's about God at all.
God Bless.

1 comment:

  1. have a joyful life even as u blog. God bless!
