Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Reaching Muslims for Christ!

Our world needs prayer. It needs great revival. There is no time for sleeping and staying in our “comfort zone”. We need to rise up a new generation of young people that will preach the gospel of Jesus.

As we observed, the signs of end times are observable. The great earthquake and tsunami that just happened in Japan days ago, the eruption of volcano in Indonesia and the war in Muslim countries like in Libya, Egypt and other neighboring countries.

We need to hold hands. We need to unite in prayers and fasting. We need to equip and empower our church for evangelism. I was so amazed on how Persian Ministries International reached out to those people in the Islamic countries like Persia, Iran and etc. It is really about preaching Christian Revival and promoting democratic reform. Risking lives and choosing to follow Jesus Christ would be one of the most and greatest thing we can ever do in our Christian walk. “Reach the Nations in Your Backyard”, it commands us to set our goals in setting up your mission field. It means it is time for us to preach the Gospel of Jesus in the Muslim world. It is about time for us to share salvation, through faith in Jesus Christ. It is time for us to stand and share our faith.

Be strong in Christ, and let's start it on preaching the gospel in our Muslim relatives. Quite small thing but great things starts from small beginnings.

Keep going everyone. God bless.

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