Wednesday, March 16, 2011

A Campaign for Prayer

Our family is in great trials. I don’t know how I’ll gonna describe it but definitely a turmoil… a tribulation. My grandmother had a rectal cancer. I don't know why, how and when... but it's already their.

We all felt in deep pain for her. I barely see her suffering. I don’t want this suffering to continue. I want my “lola” (Filipino term for grandma) back again- in the same way she used to talk, smile and treat us. I pray to God that everything will be alright. She had a stage 4 cancer. It’s big in number. Many think it is impossible to cure. But I believe in a big God who will make all things possible.

I need your prayers. To us Filipinos, we really value our family so much. I love my “lola” that is why I’m campaigning for prayers. In prayers God can move mountains.

Beyond all of this, I still find such joy in my heart. I find the peace and joy that comes from God.

In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials" 1 Peter 1:6

The key to being joyful is being more conscious of God’s presence than being worried of what’s going around.

Keep going everyone.

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