Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Reaching Muslims for Christ!

Our world needs prayer. It needs great revival. There is no time for sleeping and staying in our “comfort zone”. We need to rise up a new generation of young people that will preach the gospel of Jesus.

As we observed, the signs of end times are observable. The great earthquake and tsunami that just happened in Japan days ago, the eruption of volcano in Indonesia and the war in Muslim countries like in Libya, Egypt and other neighboring countries.

We need to hold hands. We need to unite in prayers and fasting. We need to equip and empower our church for evangelism. I was so amazed on how Persian Ministries International reached out to those people in the Islamic countries like Persia, Iran and etc. It is really about preaching Christian Revival and promoting democratic reform. Risking lives and choosing to follow Jesus Christ would be one of the most and greatest thing we can ever do in our Christian walk. “Reach the Nations in Your Backyard”, it commands us to set our goals in setting up your mission field. It means it is time for us to preach the Gospel of Jesus in the Muslim world. It is about time for us to share salvation, through faith in Jesus Christ. It is time for us to stand and share our faith.

Be strong in Christ, and let's start it on preaching the gospel in our Muslim relatives. Quite small thing but great things starts from small beginnings.

Keep going everyone. God bless.

A Campaign for Prayer

Our family is in great trials. I don’t know how I’ll gonna describe it but definitely a turmoil… a tribulation. My grandmother had a rectal cancer. I don't know why, how and when... but it's already their.

We all felt in deep pain for her. I barely see her suffering. I don’t want this suffering to continue. I want my “lola” (Filipino term for grandma) back again- in the same way she used to talk, smile and treat us. I pray to God that everything will be alright. She had a stage 4 cancer. It’s big in number. Many think it is impossible to cure. But I believe in a big God who will make all things possible.

I need your prayers. To us Filipinos, we really value our family so much. I love my “lola” that is why I’m campaigning for prayers. In prayers God can move mountains.

Beyond all of this, I still find such joy in my heart. I find the peace and joy that comes from God.

In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials" 1 Peter 1:6

The key to being joyful is being more conscious of God’s presence than being worried of what’s going around.

Keep going everyone.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Why Blog about Scrubs?

I had a very long and tiring exam today. I took a simulated pre-board exam lately and the worse, I was bombarded with so much test questionnaires, plus we failed to take our lunch on time. I got some colds and cough and definitely it caused me unease throughout the exam.

My whole family was really suffering colds and I hope we could cope up and get well soon. I wish that somebody could take good care of me right now. LOL. I really hate to go and admit in the hospital but I love to see there nurses wearing there medical nursing scrubs in different designs and great quality. The use of scrubs today is an advantage because it can help ease the feeling of “being in the hospital” and it gives you a friendly environment.

If you are one of those medical personnel like nurses or doctors, well you better check out the great quality uniform and scrubs today to help your patient feel they are not in pain. How they come up in making medical scrub designs? Well for me, to make the atmosphere lighter and lively, joyful at the same time formal.

Well I hope you will find this post resourceful and change everyone’s perspective about the word “hospital” as a lonely place.

Take care of your health because your health is wealth. Keep going everyone. God bless.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Light-up Your Party

Hey friends I got serious colds today. Maybe this is due to heavy rain yesterday. I was busy preparing for my cousin’s 1st birthday party so I forgot to use umbrella while preparing the said event. I feel really dizzy right now but I think its all worth it because we all enjoyed the party.

Heavy rains almost ruin the event. Sometimes unexpected incident happens when less you expect it. Instead of doing outdoor children’s games we have the terrace. There are a lot of children we couldn’t almost move. The terrace lights were busted. Place was so dim, because of the weather at the same time the chandelier bulbs in the living room didn’t work. Though there are some unexpected events, the party was successful.

The next time we really have to prepare for this kind of events. While searching for the best quality band of lights in the net, I was amazed in these floor lamps available online . I was amazed on how they really complement in the elegant style. The uniqueness of the design really amazes me. There are also table lamps available that could definitely illuminate the whole house.LOL. The stylish lamps style and quality designs can really save you from any part destructors and unexpected incidents.

Hey check it out. these are my favorite designs.

I’m very glad that everything goes well. I’m also glad that I found this new set of lamps that could possibly add to the glamour and style in our house. So the next time we have party in our home, it will be awesome.

Keep going everyone. God bless.

I Want to Grow Old With You

Hi everyone. I hope you will have a great and exciting day.

Last time we have a great time preparing for my cousin’s birthday party. Definitely, preparing a party is really stressful and tiring. We handled making invitation, decoration as well as the program. Surely, if ever I will be organizing by own wedding, I should really plan it well- because it is really stressful to have a last minute preparation.

Since it is already a season for engagement and wedding, I would love to share some valuable stuff like choosing your perfect Engagement Rings for your wedding proposal and perfect Wedding Bands for your wedding day.

True love waits. A woman who delights in God and treasures her singlehood in building up her intimate relationship with God deserves to be honored. Don’t rush in finding your perfect match. Enjoy the beauty of being single. The successful marriage happens to those who wait patiently. It happens to those individuals who make sure that they are stable financially, emotionally and equipped spiritually. Take time and enjoy life and when God reveals the perfect one- you are ready to face the new life.

Women who patiently wait on God’s perfect timing require faith and trust. When that day comes it is like wearing a 25 karat golden ring. Also checkout the best 25 karats golden ring in this site, in case you need it.

oh, checkout this beautiful wedding bands

A God-centered-marriage is blessing. It is God who will preserve you marriage and your love with each other. It is also a gift to receive your Golden Anniversary Rings- a fifty years of God’s preserved love. It’s really amazing to find someone who will grow old with you.

Oh, I really love to watch and share this video over and over again. I was totally inspired in this wedding.

Keep going. God bless your love.