Monday, June 28, 2010

Why You Have to Quit Smoking

This is the main reason why, “cigarette smoking is ‘always’ dangerous to your health”.

Our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. God lives in us that is why, He commanded us to take good care of our health.
Think wise. Quit smoking. Decide now or regret later.

Keep going and God bless. God loves you so much so take good care of your health

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Great Cars in there Great Prices

Hello to my friends and to my co-bloggers. I was really glad because we went to the church today with my elder sister. It’s a great day to worship God and thank Him for everything. I’m so thankful with my church mate or I call them as my “Christian-family.” Sometimes, I also feel sad for my family because they can’t go with us. It’s because of financial problems.

I also wish to have a car for our family. I always look forward to have our family service car so that we can go together with my family. One of the reasons also why I don’t like to commute in a public vehicle is that because I really feel irritated with the sunny and hot weather here in our place. The hot weather really causes me headache every time I walk under the sun.

You can surely see me as fan of browsing some great sites in the internet where in I can find fancy cars that is in the top of my “wish list”. If you have an interest with the latest 2010 model for bmw, Volkswagen, chevy aveo, toyota camry... well, you better check out there fabulous prices that you will surely love.

Check out some of the best prices for:
1. bmw 3 series prices
2. volkswagen gti prices
3. chevy aveo prices
4. toyota camry prices

In choosing a car, you better choose the best in quality and in price offers. I hope you’ll love my post. So start earning and saving to get one of those best cars ever. Well, I do hope that I can have it for my family. This is one of my greatest wish. Who know maybe I can purchase those car one of this days. If that happen, I will surely tour my family in one of the beautiful places here.

Keep going everyone. Have a blessed Sunday.

Great Cars in there Great Prices

Hello to my friends and to my co-bloggers. I was really glad because we went to the church today with my elder sister. It’s a great day to worship God and thank Him for everything. I’m so thankful with my church mate or I call them as my “Christian-family.” Sometimes, I also feel sad for my family because they can’t go with us. It’s because of financial problems.

I also wish to have a car for our family. I always look forward to have our family service car so that we can go together with my family. One of the reasons also why I don’t like to commute in a public vehicle is that because I really feel irritated with the sunny and hot weather here in our place. The hot weather really causes me headache every time I walk under the sun.

You can surely see me as fan of browsing some great sites in the internet where in I can find fancy cars that is in the top of my “wish list”. If you have an interest with the latest 2010 model for bmw, Volkswagen, chevy aveo, toyota camry... well, you better check out there fabulous prices that you will surely love.

Check out some of the best prices for:
1. bmw 3 series prices
2. volkswagen gti prices
3. chevy aveo prices
4. toyota camry prices

In choosing a car, you better choose the best in quality and in price offers. I hope you’ll love my post. So start earning and saving to get one of those best cars ever. Well, I do hope that I can have it for my family. This is one of my greatest wish. Who know maybe I can purchase those car one of this days. If that happen, I will surely tour my family in one of the beautiful places here.

Keep going everyone. Have a blessed Sunday.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Christmas Trees Makes Me Glad

It’s already midnight. Mom and dad are asleep. It’s raining and it’s cold outside. I really feel lonely at this moment. Sometimes we tend to be lonely when we think of the things that can really makes us happy. Do you know what really makes me happy?

How I wish that, its Christmas time. Just like a child, I really enjoyed watching Christmas tree- with different bright colors- decorated in every home. When I was young, whenever I saw a Christmas tree, I really smiled and jump up with excitement because I know that it is already Christmas season. Now, I’m already on my 20’s but Christmas trees can still makes me smile.

Though it’s not yet Christmas but I still love to see White Christmas Trees in the house. For me in that simple thing, I can find genuine happiness. You don’t have to buy expensive things to make you satisfied and happy. Sometimes, just like a child, we tend to find value and essence even in the very simplest things. I still enjoyed seeing some Artificial Christmas Trees because that signifies memories I’ve enjoyed when I celebrated Christmas with my loved ones.

For me, you don’t need to wait for December to decorate your homes with Christmas trees. There are a lot of fabulous Christmas trees I’ve seen in the net and I wish to put it in our house and watch it every day. As the Christmas lights glow in the dark room of our living room, it really makes my heart feel glad. It’s just like having Christmas everyday.

Make this month of June a season for Christmas by loving and sharing your love and smiles to your loved one. Plus, just like my, prepare and make your Christmas decoration come true. Yeah, that’s really an enjoyable thing to do- to exchange laughs, exchange gifts, to have Christmas dinner and etc.

I hope let’s all enjoy this evening. Keep going everyone and God bless.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Happy Father's Day Papa

I just want to greet all dads in the world… “Happy father’s day”.

Have a happy father’s day to my papa. You know how much I value you. To best describe how I used to grow as papa’s little girl I quoted this from the song “Dance with my Father” by Luther Vandross.

Back when I was a child
Before life removed all the innocence
My father would lift me high
And dance with my mother and me and then...

When I and my mother would disagree
To get my way I would run from her to him
He’d make me laugh just to comfort me, yeah, yeah
Then finally make me do just what my mama said

Weekly Wisdom: God's Lordship

In every situation, there are always two stories—the story you see and the story God sees.

"You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives" (Genesis 50:20).

All along, God's story was right on track.

If we are just allowing God to move n our life, definitely our life is in the right track.
I just want to thank God for everything. Though sometimes I disobey Him but still compassionate and my refuge to take over and put me back in the right path when everything is a disaster.
I just want to say thank you Lord for loving me. And thank you for your lordship in my life.

Keep going and God bless.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Happy Birthday to You Dear Friend

A friend is a gift you give to yourself. But I’ll she’s one of the best gift that comes from God.
Here’s my birthday present for my friend Beth. We’ve been friends for almost four years. So this video clips really speaks on how we both treasured our friendship. I hope she’ll love this present.

Happy 20th Birthday “God’s Gift”

We’ve known each other by CHANCE, became friends by CHOICE, still friends by DECISION and when we say FRIEND FOREVER, that’s definitely a lifetime PROMISE.

Keep going everyone and God bless always. 

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

A Night with My Family

I’m really happy to see my family sitting in the living room watching TV and bond with each other. Usually, in the evening, we are doing stuffs that really make us busy. Every night, I usually browse in the internet while my elder sister is studying and dad usually sleeps early- as well as mom and my younger sister.

I think every evening should be called a “family time”. Really, family needs to talk things and bond with each other. Children should prefer stay at home with there family than doing “bar-party every night”. For me I prefer to be with my family. Being with your family is really great and fun to do.

That’s the main reasons why I want to renovate our house and make it beautiful and comfortable. It would be much better if we have Hunter Ceiling Fans at home. I wish to have that one too. It really gives a true elegance for your house. I used to visit some of my friends house and they have some Craftmade Ceiling Fans and surely it really creates a great ambiance.

Well then... if I have greater job soon, after I graduate, that would be one of my first project- to renovate our home. I just want to thank God for every blessing and every moment that we’ve been together with my family. God really blessed me with so many reasons to be thankful.

Keep going and God bless.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Wow Online Radio is Here

Hello, I'm still here in the living room at this moment- still browsing the internet. My mom, dad and my sister are already sleeping. Usually I stayed late at night just browsing and doing nothing in the net. This time, I’m too sleepy but I still have a lot of things to do so here I am sharing what I found lately.

I can’t really resist the boredom here in the house. So I just found the great medicine for boredom- its great listen to the music and relax at this very moment- but can play it because mom and dad are already at sleep. It’s great to know that Internet Radio is here. I just discovered it lately so I’m very thankful because my quiet night of browsing had ended. I can have an instant radio in my headset through my Online Radio. I can also hear different music in the different part of the world. Wow that’s really great for us web browsers. We can now enjoy the lovely music while browsing.

Well in fact this is really great and helpful for me. Radio lovers, like me, can now easily access to the net and listen to your favorite music or latest Talk Radio issues online. It’s really fun and cool to access to it right now. I really love to share this one to you. I hope you love it too.

Keep going everyone and God bless. Have a relaxing evening.

Get Ready for Swimming

Hello friends, here’s what I’ve got from our one and a half week of vacation in Siquijor Island. I’ve come to visit fascinating and great beaches there.

I used to have wonderful moments by just watching on the sea breeze and the blue sky. Oh, I really miss that wonderful island. It’s really wonderful to stay in that island and relax. There are a lot of tourist and visitors who visits the place with gladness. It’s good to see you there as you wear your best women's swimwear outfit as you enjoy the white sand of the beach and the summer heat of the sun- you know women really love sun bathing. For men, prepare your men's swimwear and enjoy surfing with the big waves of the sea. Yeah that sounds really great. Well be ready for your best outfit and get in to the latest trends of today’s lingerie today. It’s really best to have that stuff with you as you explore the wonderful island of Siquijor.

Well sad for me because I never had the chance to swim in the beach because we had only one day to tour in the island. So I hope, someday, I’ll go back to that island with my best swim wear ever and have fun.

Keep going everyone and God bless to you.

Vacation Trip: Boarding a Ship

Here are my enjoyable pictures last vacation trip las May 16-28, 2010. I really love to share this one to you because this is one of my happiest moment of my life- together with my family. So I hope you enjoy it. Keep going and God bless. Enjoy and have a happy week.

This is my first five hours of my vacation.

We were boarding the ship with my family.

Marinel, Malot and Me (my sisters)

pictures with mom and sister

with my dad and sisters

We were all exited at that moment. so watch out for another view and scenery as we landed in the beautiful island of Siquijor.

Keep going and God bless.

Monday, June 7, 2010

More Tips to be Punctual

One of the negative things about me, that I’m really trying to work out, is that I’m always “late” in class or in meeting. Yeah, every time I meet someone or go to school I’m always thirty minutes late. That’s what I really hate about myself. It’s back to school time so I’m really trying my best to change it now. It is worsen than before because some of the highways are under construction.

Though I was quite pissed off with those “under construction road” but after all, it’s more convenient to drive with those smooth roads. I know that the road construction is helpful for cars especially those cars with great quality wheels and rims. Oh, I really love to see those fancy cars with great accessories on it. Check it out.

After all, the high quality roads as well as its wheels and rims matters in the cars speed in traveling so I’ll not to complain about those “under construction road”. Instead, I’ll be more punctual through my own efforts- wake early and double my time in dressing up, eating and bathing. So I hope that I can work it out so I will be more punctual this time.

Keep in touch with me always. Keep going and God bless.

Losing Hope?

Freshmen are really excited to go to school today. Honestly, that’s what I felt before when I was freshman. I prepared my outfit for my first day of school- from my clothes down to the shoes. All were set and ironed. But now that I’m in my fourth year in college, I never felt that excitement anymore. I no longer prepared my clothes to wear. I’m absent in my first day of school. And I don’t even prepare my school stuff.

Days in college were very tough. I became malnourished because of my school work and busyness. Soon I’ll graduate but I still feel uncertainty after I graduate. It’s good to know that there are things in this world are certain just like Insurance leads. They will always help you when you need assistance. I can say value your health as well as your family member’s life. The love and care from your family and God’s over flowing guidance and counseling can keep you going.

In life, never loose hope. When I heard that I can’t graduate last March, I really feel disappointed. But I still keep going and keep my motivation to stay on the track. We are in the race where there are a lot of uncertainties but we should keep our eyes and hope to God.

I just want to post this one to keep you going. Never allow any situation to keep you down and loose hope. Keep going and God bless. Never loose hope, God is here.
Enjoy our week.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Sweet-Silent Love

The more love is silently expressed; the more obvious it can be seen. No wonder God loves us in silence but gives us mostly. Have sweet blessings to everyone.

God bless everyone.

Text credits to: Inspirational text from my textmate. Be blessed.