Monday, June 7, 2010

Losing Hope?

Freshmen are really excited to go to school today. Honestly, that’s what I felt before when I was freshman. I prepared my outfit for my first day of school- from my clothes down to the shoes. All were set and ironed. But now that I’m in my fourth year in college, I never felt that excitement anymore. I no longer prepared my clothes to wear. I’m absent in my first day of school. And I don’t even prepare my school stuff.

Days in college were very tough. I became malnourished because of my school work and busyness. Soon I’ll graduate but I still feel uncertainty after I graduate. It’s good to know that there are things in this world are certain just like Insurance leads. They will always help you when you need assistance. I can say value your health as well as your family member’s life. The love and care from your family and God’s over flowing guidance and counseling can keep you going.

In life, never loose hope. When I heard that I can’t graduate last March, I really feel disappointed. But I still keep going and keep my motivation to stay on the track. We are in the race where there are a lot of uncertainties but we should keep our eyes and hope to God.

I just want to post this one to keep you going. Never allow any situation to keep you down and loose hope. Keep going and God bless. Never loose hope, God is here.
Enjoy our week.

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