Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Christmas Trees Makes Me Glad

It’s already midnight. Mom and dad are asleep. It’s raining and it’s cold outside. I really feel lonely at this moment. Sometimes we tend to be lonely when we think of the things that can really makes us happy. Do you know what really makes me happy?

How I wish that, its Christmas time. Just like a child, I really enjoyed watching Christmas tree- with different bright colors- decorated in every home. When I was young, whenever I saw a Christmas tree, I really smiled and jump up with excitement because I know that it is already Christmas season. Now, I’m already on my 20’s but Christmas trees can still makes me smile.

Though it’s not yet Christmas but I still love to see White Christmas Trees in the house. For me in that simple thing, I can find genuine happiness. You don’t have to buy expensive things to make you satisfied and happy. Sometimes, just like a child, we tend to find value and essence even in the very simplest things. I still enjoyed seeing some Artificial Christmas Trees because that signifies memories I’ve enjoyed when I celebrated Christmas with my loved ones.

For me, you don’t need to wait for December to decorate your homes with Christmas trees. There are a lot of fabulous Christmas trees I’ve seen in the net and I wish to put it in our house and watch it every day. As the Christmas lights glow in the dark room of our living room, it really makes my heart feel glad. It’s just like having Christmas everyday.

Make this month of June a season for Christmas by loving and sharing your love and smiles to your loved one. Plus, just like my, prepare and make your Christmas decoration come true. Yeah, that’s really an enjoyable thing to do- to exchange laughs, exchange gifts, to have Christmas dinner and etc.

I hope let’s all enjoy this evening. Keep going everyone and God bless.

1 comment:

  1. really cool way to forget the darkness. hope your life always glow like a christmas tree & Jesus & Santa always take care of you
