Sunday, April 4, 2010

Worthy is the Lamb

“…worthy is the lamb…” Revelation 5:12
Thank you for the cross Lord. Thank you for the price You paid, Bearing all my sin and shame, In love You came and gave amazing grace. Thank you for your love Lord for we receive the greatest gift that we could have- the gift of salvation.

Today we celebrate His resurrection. We celebrate His goodness… his unfailing Love to us… in him we have life and we are victorious. Thank you Lord for showing us the way. Thank you for bearing it all. Lord in you alone you are worthy. Worthy of our praise… worthy of everything. Truly you reign victorious. Oh, Lord… I cannot explain how great I am to know and loved you. Your unfailing love truly gives me hope everyday. You are alive Lord and today I can shout to the world that You… Jesus… you are alive to give us life and hope.

Truly He is worthy… worthy of our praise… worthy is the Lamb.

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