Thursday, March 25, 2010

Man in The Mirror

I’ve been hearing from my friends about their graduation songs. Whenever I heard about “graduation songs” I can feel “self-pity”. It’s so sad to know that I cannot graduate March. I cannot march to aisle- reminiscing all the hardships in my college life. And with all those “toga” and cap proving that with all those things- with the help from God- I endure and survive it all. Graduation day will be one of my memorable day indeed.

Their song is very inspirational. It is entitled “The Man in the Mirror”. The song was really one of a kind. Check out this video and know it’s depth.

Well the song implies that as we walk and start our new journey, we have to look around the people around us. There is poverty and sickness. There is no assurance of a good future… this is the time to redirect our path and think which way to go- to be a blessings to other people. As we walk to the aisle towards responsibilities and pressures of life. It’s about time for us to feel and care those who really needs us and realize our true calling- which is to help and serve the people.

In this world full of poverty health is now less assured. There is lacking of medical assistance and help from our government- that is why people really rely more on health insurance leads that can direct them to a true “health help”.
For you graduates of 2010, there are new and big world that rely in you. “If you wanna make the world a better place, take a look at yourself and make a change…”

Keep going. God bless.

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