Sunday, January 3, 2010

Enigin: Environmental Friendly Engine

My cousin just mentioned to me about there “so-called” project proposal. He is an IT student and one of there individual activities are to propose a project using the latest computer to make our work more convenient and more environments friendly. That project doesn’t really exist today and if they will given, and this is the project they want to exist in the future.

I love the idea, when they predict and make use of the computer to create something helpful for the environment and for the people. He mentioned his bright ideas and so with his classmates. It’s good to make some bright ideas for the people. Just like what I’ve browsed lately- Enigin. I thought all inventions today I just for luxurious satisfaction of the people, but this time they’ve created it for the people and the environment. The Enigin is a carbon offsetting kiosk- check out the latest enigin today. Kiosks nowadays, are very helpful for travelers and tourist or to those who wants to ask information about the flight or the place.

I think everything is possible today. Technology is always here to give service and possible resources for us. So what can you do in the future? Do you have any bright ideas that can help in the future?

Keep going everyone. God bless.

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