Sunday, December 27, 2009

A Good Translation for Your Greetngs

Greet your special someone and beloved this Christmas. Send them special greetings and lovely Christmas cards. Sometimes we meet different kinds of people around the world through internet. We begin to develop friendship with them. Give them a surprise this Christmas- give them a special greetings written in there own languages and dialect. Yes, we all know that English is the universal language, that is why the can greatly appreciate if you can send them a special greeting for them.

Merry Christmas, in Spanish Feliz Navidad! I do really appreciate when some foreign friends greet me in a Filipino dialect. Well that is really great.

How about you give your friends and loved ones an over whelming Christmas greetings. Well, we all need to spend time and learn about other people’s language. Translation into anther language is one of the very helpful ways to practice. Try to check out some online translator and develop your language skill. It is complete with the different language worldwide and experience the different ways in saying “I love you”, “thank you” and etc. this is one of the opportunity to develop your skills to translate words into different languages. Experience a free translation today. You can also work as an online translator r client who wants to translate some business records and documents.

Good day everyone and “magandang araw” in Filipino.
God bless.


  1. Happy New Year!
    In Portuguese: Feliz Ano Novo :)
    All the best for you & your family.
    Warm Regards, Mizé

  2. This is really nice. Christmas is fast approaching. Its September already.
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