Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Workshop on Silk Screen Printing

Few weeks ago, it’s been a great day for me and to my colleagues, college friends and to my mentor because we had really the chance to conduct a seminar workshop about the silk screen printing. I’m so glad because of this workshop I’ve learned how to make a design and print it in the T-shirt. Well here’s on of the snapshots of the said events.

Workshop on Silk Screen Printing....

We conducted the seminar in the PPA (Philippine Ports Authority)...

it's me! (in a purple shirt)

We had really a great time eating our snacks and the happy lunch.

We had the chance to bond with my colleague and my teachers

It's a long and enjoyable day for all of us.

If I have already the materials needed then it’s time for me to explore T-shirt printing and designing- designing Christian T-shirts. Let’s give honor and glorify God above everything.

Keep going everyone. God bless always.


  1. Free Kaon ba yan. Ok ba sayo and display ko for 3 months at P500

  2. Dropping in to say hello!
    Great blog I am following:)
