Tuesday, September 22, 2009

My Life is an Open Book

Title: Journey of A Christian
Date Published: October 17, 1989 (it's my birth date)
Author: God
*No Copyright Version

We cannot deny that our life is like an open book... everybody sees it, know it and read it. Some pages of it may undergo some editting and scanning but one thing is for sure... it's for me to be better. Some may find some interest to read, while some may totally rejects it.

Don't judge me, don't reject- coz every pages of my life has meaning and above everything... God is my greatest author. That's why this book so-called "life" is a very special one.

Keep going everyone. Always live a happy life. God loves you so much.

1 comment:

  1. What a nice post...no one on earth should judge another. We are all equally gifted and we are all here to live and experience what life has to offer.
    Our book of life....has many chapters..if you live life to its fullest...you will have a thick book...if you choose to not...then your book will not be as thick. It is a choice we all have.
    I enjoy reading your thoughts and i may not comment because I feel that they are your personal thoughts journaled on your blog and who am I to judge:)
