Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Getting along with FRIENDS ♥

Well, what is the best part of today's news?
Today was the finest day for me. I didn’t stay at our house the whole day. We had really a good time with my classmates- consider them as friends though. It’s not an outing actually. We just went to a medical laboratory to have our medical check up. This check up is for our OJT requirements.
We enjoyed every moment in time. That was my first time to take some x-ray test… actually that was “our” first time so we laugh and teased each other. We make fun of telling how we reacted when the doctor told us to remove our inner wear as well as the T-shirt.LOL.
Another exciting and crazy idea we did is that, while waiting for the medical report, we ate in a fast-food restaurant- to be precise its Jollibee. We ate there without enough money. That’s why we laugh out loud when we cancelled some of the expensive food that we order. We also crave for pizza but when we had already the money for it, they turn-out of stock… I mean it is not available anymore.LOL. It’s so sad for us…
I just thank God for today’s memorable experience. The medical report was okay and I thank God for preserving my health. I will always treasure every moment that God allowed it to spend it with my friends as well as… you. Live it well.

Keep going and God bless.