Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Dream Big

Hello friends. I do really want to post this one for you. Maybe you’re also looking for your dream car.
I do really dream to have my car, I mean a family car. Yes, all of us really want to have there own personal car. But for me, I consider a dream car, is for my family. I want to tour and travel around the Philippines. And the main reason why I do really want to have one is that, I want all of us to go to church together- as a family. I cannot remember anymore the last time we go to church together. So, I have all my reasons to aim more and dream to have a car.
What will be the best car for me? Well, I’ve seen in the internet about this dodge ram 1500. I’d love the model and its color. Yeah you can find different styles and configurations. It is also considered as a best selling vehicle for me. It's so interesting to have it as my own and as our family car.
When you dream in life, dream big. Don’t limit your perseverance and your worth to do great things. And above all, don’t limit God as a provider of everything you desire in life. God bless.

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