Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The Musica

Well, today... I think I haven't accomplish anything. I just watch movie all day and that's it. I cannot Imagine myself of being immature again. Sometimes in our life we experience nothingness it's just you and the empty space left inside your heart. I just can't help myself but to stay indoors, while waiting for the next opening of class- and that is next week. I know something or I'll say I should keep that music in my heart. The feeling of being secured. You know one thing I've learned today... is that It's not good to be alone. Yes.. I thought before I can be myself when I'm alone- but it proves me wrong. You need others to be with you... so that you can be yourself.

The Music Team(in our church)- my brothers & sisters in Christ

This team really gives revival in my heart. The music that it plays is really inspiring- the music of Christ.

Well I just remember the people around me who supports and loves me as I am. Whenever my heart feels lonely, they always keep the music in my heart.I just want to thank you. To my family, cousins, friends and my brothers & sisters in Christ.
Good night and God Bless.