Thursday, September 18, 2008

make me More Complicated

I think I am more immune to more complicated days. I started my busy day when I had my enrollment and all those stuff and other requirements should be comply. Clearance, controlling of subjects, payment to the cashier & etc makes me so anxious about what happens next. And I should also have to post on my blog- but I've enjoyed this stuff. And the never-ending household chores, unwashed clothes... oh… so much work to do. Lately, I haven't spent time with the Lord. I know some sort of a busy day makes my day more stressful, weak-in spirit. But I think I become stronger every day I've encountered this obstacles. I learn to make use of it. Unlike before that every problem, I easily get depressed. One thing I've learned today, I thank God for those trials because I learned to be strong... I just learned to smile and laugh even trials are pulling me down. I learned to breathe… I learned at the end of the day, God’s arms are wide open to give you some rest. You will know that, that busy day He was there to make it for you.

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