Sunday, September 7, 2008

My Semester’s GPA- A test of faith

It’s time for me to face the test of faith. Maybe it’s my fate today to face all this challenges.I think so.

This morning I experience the true test. I was so excited to open this site official website of our school). This site will assist you in doing student-related transactions within Mindanao State University-Iligan Institute of Technology. Today is the final submission for our grades. So I hurriedly open my personal account and look for my grades this semester. I was just disappointed of what I’ve saw. I’ve done my best and I really work hard for this semester but it seems that it’s not enough. I only gained a total GPA of 1.84 this semester. And for me, I don’t deserve this grade. Every sleepless night and stressful hour just to study my lesson and my projects was not enough. But I’ve realized that this is just a test of faith. I made a promise with the Lord to entrust everything to Him. I should not worry and besides I already made decisions to give up everything to God. So why worry? You know what; I realized we have to guard our faith because sometimes with just a little test in us we easily shake. I pray to God, this time, “to heal my unbelief”. It’s just so happen that I behave as a childish-Christian again. I hope it will not happen to you. God Bless.

I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us.
-Romans 8:18

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