Saturday, September 6, 2008

How is SHE now?

Well… I’m glad it’s our semester break. I’m very happy because finally my stressful days… weeks… and months are finally over. I think it’s time for me to rest now. I’m planning for a movie marathon or do blogging all-day or maybe I’ll try to sleep the whole day. What do you think? It’s really fun. I thank God for this day but you know what; I just suddenly miss my best friend. How is she now? It’s almost a week since the last time we’ve met.
She is really my closest friend in school. And every time we had difficult projects to take we do help each other. We usually pass our assignment and projects together and we don’t even let each other left-behind. There are times when we do cross the street with the signs “No Jaywalking”- that’s fun for us. She lives in dormitory beside the school so we usually hang-out in their place.
But I think she’s bored today. I can feel it. I really miss her. She doesn’t even text me now- maybe she run out of prepaid. But I hope she’ll text me. Maybe this is just a melancholic feeling without her. Hope God will take care of her. Good Afternoon.

me and she(her name is Beth)

My bestfriend..

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