Friday, June 24, 2011

The Essence of a Promise Ring

I just read from my Facebook page that my classmate in high school is getting married. I can’t believe it- she’s typically a cute little girl before. We usually call her “little girl” because she is the young in the group, but now, she is getting married. That news awakes me into the reality that I am already twenty one. I am at the legal age to marry and start a new family.Then I asked myself, am I ready for it? Though it is the right age for me, but it is not yet the right time- God’s time.

True love waits. When that “right time” comes, it will be forever. One of the sweetest things that a man will do is to bring her woman into the altar of God and give her promised ring and vow to his bride the vows of eternal love. It is significant to choose your promise rings for your future wife.

For me whenever a man gives you jewels, even the simplest jewelry in the world, it means you are special. That is why cable bracelets or even the cutest ankle bracelets could be a helpful charm to win the girl’s heart. It automatically reflects the women’s radiance of beauty. When you decide to marry someone, make sure that you are emotionally, financially, physically and spiritually ready. That is why marrying a person requires wisdom and understanding from the Lord. For those who are planning to marry this June, well just checkout the possibilities of catching the most precious promised ring for your wedding or engagement.

Congratulations to my friend. I wish for their happiness and success as a couple.

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