Wednesday, September 15, 2010

World Dryer for a Green Environment

I’m looking forward for a great weekend. It is my final week in my practice teaching so and my co-practice teachers are looking forward to have a great time eating in a restaurant.

It is really great to experience a classy dinner together with my co-teachers. I just remember my funny experience using the bathroom “hand dryers”. I was really shock when it automatically starts. I’m glad because at that time no one sees what happen.

Technology had evolved to make our lifestyle more comfortable. That is why world dryer had offered an “environmentally-friendly” sanitary facilities. I prefer to use this in public comfort rooms rather than using those paper towels or tissues. Through this it can save millions of trees in the world. See? In that simple act it can give people comfy sanitary facilities and environmentally friendly drying capabilities.
Save the earth, save energy…

Keep going everyone. God bless.

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