Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Family Reunion

Last April 25 was really the memorable day for all of the family. It’s quite tough for the preparation and everything but above everything, it really helps to reunite our families and relatives.

Well here’s what I’ve got from the reunion pictures.

This is the T-shirt design I made for our family reunion. I used Corel draw application.

Keep going everyone and God bless.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Reconciliation the Lost

Our national hero had said “Ang kabata-an ay pag-asa ng bayan (The youth is the hope of our country)”- Dr. Jose Rizal. He is probably right. We are the hope of or country, we are the future of this nation- we are the future. Yeah right, this reminds us all that we are the start of that change. We are made with that special purpose. Our elders are the one who take good care of us all this time. That is why I’m always up to the better change and program that will really help reconcile and help them free from any bandage. What are these bandages?

These bandages are those that can really make their lives miserable and hopeless. Alcohol addiction, smoking, drug addiction, gangster and etc are the common problems of teens as well as adults today. Let’s give hope to those who are captives of sin. For me, I hope I can do touch their live and give back the freedom that they’ve lost. God always care for their lives. I always support teen drug rehab. As what I’ve observed in my community, young and old were involved in this kind of situation. It’s our time for us to stand for them. Let’s make a move to bring back the lives of drug addicts. To solve this problem, adolescent addiction treatment and teen addiction treatment is one of the best solutions- it really causes a lot.

I’ve encountered many people who are captives of addiction. And I can say that everyone deserves chances. Just like God did, He is always faithful and just in forgiving our sins. All we have to do is council them. Anything is possible. With good reconciliation and good treatment and therapy, surely you can turn 180 degrees away from your old self. There is a process of repentance. Surely a new person will arise in you. Don’t give up on those who are lost- they need our prayer, understanding, reconciliation and counseling.
Keep going everyone and God bless.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Happy Mother Earth's Day

Hello friends, I just want you to inform that today is "Earth's Day" and we have to celebrate it with a great change. Let's make a change and help save our mother Earth today. Thank you Google for the info.

Keep going everyone and God bless.


Last 8th of April I can always remember the hurt when I watched at the bench of the gymnasium. Yes, this is my fist time to experience this kind of thing. We watched- together with my bestfriend Beth- as our classmates march the aisle of our school gymnasium. Yes, it’s our school’s graduation day. We (me and my friend) are supposed to graduate this year but due to some conflicts of the subjects, we won’t able to make it. Well then here we are watching all my batch mates wearing their prestigious toga, cap and receiving their diplomas. I have no regrets after all but I still wishing to graduate at that day.

watching all my school mates in their graduation day

Sometimes in life you don’t know what awaits in you in the future. You can’t predict what comes next. That is why assurance of life is unpredictable. Some people, now a day, prefer to have insurance leads in assuring their loved ones when there’s something happen to them (who knows?). But in everything in life, I believe that God had purpose and plan about our future and what lie ahead. So, we just look forward to that blessed hope in Him. After all, this is the time for me to think what I’m going to do- which way to go after college. Just like in the traffic light- I’m in the stage where God is showing me the yellow light. It means I have to wait first for His instructions before He give the “go” (green light) signal light. So I’m still glad after all.

I hope this serves as a lesson for you. Keep going everyone.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

To Whom You can Trust in Moving?

How do you feel if someone sincerely helped you? Like working out on something that you considered us one of the toughest and most stressful thing to do? Well, probably you’ll consider this person as a superhero right? It’s good that in every difficult areas of your life you have someone to be trusted to take good care of your things and work things out. It’s really a disaster if that person is a little bit clumsy or dishonest.

Why I’m talking about it tight now? Well I just observed from our neighborhood that every time they need something to carry or do some task in there home they always entrust our family to take in charge of it. Now that they have transferred and moved to other place, we really missed them. Even in there toughest hour- while moving- we were their to help and assist them. That’s why I know how it feels about moving.

But what about those people who can’t find help in their neighbors? Well it’s good that you can find Boston movers company that will surely help and assist you in your moving. It is really convenient and stressful when you can trust and assure the quality of work you can receive from them. They can assure you a convenient moving from point A to point B. it’s more safe to entrust your belongings to the people who can be trusted.

I hope this help you who are planning to move. Keep going everyone.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Meet Spot

They say, how you care to the animals it is how caring you are to the humans. Well, bet to disagree. It’s been two years now since we give spot- our pet dog. Spot is our Dalmatian dog and truly we consider and love him as part of our family. But mom gave him away. We cannot take care of him anymore because of too much business and some sort of laziness.

Meet Spot!

We really felt sorry to spot. We know that dog is man’s best friend but we fail to take good care of our dear spot. Lately mom showed me some of the pictures of spot in Facebook. Spot is fully grown now. I thank God because he is okay now. Our Dalmatian dog spot is a big dog now. Well, I’m so happy for you dear spot.

Keep going everyone.

Friday, April 16, 2010

God's Greatness and Promises

Lord God, we entrust everything in you Lord. Thank you for being a good God. I love you Lord.
Good day to everyone.

God bless the Philippine Election.
Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people.
Proverbs 14:34

Connect with the New Driver Access Today

I’ve been using computer since I was high school. In many years of using it, I’ve been so familiar with the different applications when it comes to its hard ware. Some programs I’m somewhat familiar with. But I have little knowledge about computer terms and computer software that are important to know.

That is why I’ve searched some of the important names and terms used in the computer. I just heard this term computer drivers from my cousin. I’ve searched about it in Wikipedia device driver or software driver is a computer program allowing higher-level computer programs to interact with a hardware device computer drivers.

Maybe some of you are having trouble with regards to their computer drivers, here are some of the helpful driver update for you. Check out there web site today and discover the latest drivers download and make your computer updated with the latest driver access- access to 11 Million+ device associated drivers.

With the help of this latest drives, we can now enjoy use card drivers, use and connect computer printers, enable to use wireless connections, sound drivers and etc. there are Millions of updates of drives to enjoy. Check it out.

Keep going everyone and God bless.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Online Translator: Connecting People

I cannot imagine how big the world is. Come to think of it, there are billions of people live in this world and thousands of races and culture as well as languages are now interacting- in the help of the world wide web. I wonder how they interact with each other. For me, it’s really interesting to learn ones culture, customs, traditions as well as there languages. It really catches my interest in me when you talk about different races- knowing their similarities and differences. I came from Asia- and it’s a great thing for me if I learn different language from my different neighboring country like Japan, Thailand, Korea, China etc.

Come to think of it, as technology evolves, it greatly contributes to the world’s interaction and communication- either you’re a Chinese, French, German or American. Translators is one of the common trend today. Business man- around the globe- are communicating and interacting with each other through online translators that provides you guaranteed time and high quality word or paragraph translation. It is easy and accessible. You can truly access fluent and accurate translation in the right span of time.

In businesses, this is one of the accurate solution for their business transactions and files needed to be translated. All you have to do is upload the file and connect with the best translator company and in best price and good span of time you can have your translated documents.
See, this is how internet technology works. To translate words and languages is easy and accessible.

Keep going everyone. “Magandang Araw” (Filipino word for Good Day!).

Keep going everyone. Enjoy my post. God bless.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Worthy is the Lamb

“…worthy is the lamb…” Revelation 5:12
Thank you for the cross Lord. Thank you for the price You paid, Bearing all my sin and shame, In love You came and gave amazing grace. Thank you for your love Lord for we receive the greatest gift that we could have- the gift of salvation.

Today we celebrate His resurrection. We celebrate His goodness… his unfailing Love to us… in him we have life and we are victorious. Thank you Lord for showing us the way. Thank you for bearing it all. Lord in you alone you are worthy. Worthy of our praise… worthy of everything. Truly you reign victorious. Oh, Lord… I cannot explain how great I am to know and loved you. Your unfailing love truly gives me hope everyday. You are alive Lord and today I can shout to the world that You… Jesus… you are alive to give us life and hope.

Truly He is worthy… worthy of our praise… worthy is the Lamb.