Sunday, January 17, 2010

Work Safely with Safety Gears

Today is Monday, and honestly this day is quite tough day. I think, as a vice president in our school organization, I have to do multi tasking. Yeah, I’m in charge for works and activities today. I’m the one who is in charge of everything we need to accomplish today- since the president is out for his practice teaching.

So, I think I have to start this tough day in thanking God for giving me strength today. Then a 9 AM, I’ll be going to school to assist my other officers and classmates in making our department booth for the said Charter Day Activity of our college.

(I also experienced using safety harness and fall protection during our bouldering and rapelling activities- it is really a big help)

We really need man power this time- and I hope they will secure their safety in building it. For, me I have this negative mentality, which sometimes hinders me doing difficult task well in fact, safety materials are all available for us. Safety signs are very important especially in a construction site or even in the streets and public places. Always think and secure the people that surround us- so I will be the one responsible for the people that will be working our booth today.

Speaking of safety, if you want to check out different safety gears and gadgets for your personal use, well here’s some safety glasses and safety boots for you. This site can really give you more than you needed- safety. They have also other products that is needed for safety in any activities and task you’ll do today. Check it out.

Well have a safe day to you. Keep going. God bless.

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