Saturday, January 23, 2010

Rainy and Lazy Weekend

Happy weekend everyone. It’s a cold Saturday here. I cannot decide what will I do- maybe because of the cold weather. I supposed to go to our church’s young people service today but I decided to stay at home. Yeah, quite one of the lazy decisions I’ve made. Honestly, this is one of my negative sides of me. I used to like and plan things- well sooner or later it won’t or I won’t make it happen.

I want to ask God for forgiveness and everything that I decide for my life without His guidance and council. Though it’s raining outside, I just wish that I will still pursue more to go to church.

I pray that everyday in my life, I just don’t want to involve myself in the works for God but a total commitment and submissive to glorify Him.
Keep going everyone. Have a blessed weekend.

God bless.

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