Wednesday, January 13, 2010

God Can Move Mountains

I got this one from one of my e-mails. Thanks you for sharing it to me. I hope you can check this out.

I'd love sharing it to you. God bless.

From: Denise

Sometime ago I had a huge mountain in front of me and cried out to the Lord:
"Lord how do I speak to this mountain that is in my seems too large"! The Lord speaks to me through visions. That night this is what I saw.

As I looked before me...a large mountain towered over me.....blocking out all light of hope and victory. Instead I felt darkness of despair and hopelessness set in. I cried out to the Lord to help me. I felt a warm wind and turned around and behold I was starring at the Large sandals of Jesus who was sitting on the Throne. He bent down and picked me up, placed me on His lap and spoke: "My child you cannot move this mountain without calling out to Me to help you.

We will move this mountain out of your way together". With me on His lap He pulled this mountain before us and said to me: "Okay now my child put your right hand on top of this mountain and I will put My left hand on top of yours, now your left hand and now I will tap My right hand on top of yours and together we will knock this mountain down. Have faith in Me that I will always help you through My Holy only need to ask and believe"! So in this vision we BOTH knocked this mountain down. The next day I new without a doubt that my mountain had been "cast into the sea".

Be encouraged and know that you do not have to remove the mountains by yourself.
May the Lord Bless you abundently for 2010!

Keep going.

1 comment:

  1. hi very nice one god help those who help themselves
    god hand on your head and your on the mountain gr8
