Thursday, November 26, 2009

There’s a New World Coming

Have you ever shared Jesus Christ to your friend? Do you know that Jesus Christ is the only way we can have salvation? It is very important for us Christians to proclaim to the world the love of God through His Son Jesus Christ. If you received Jesus Christ as your Lord and personal savior, then it is our task to evangelize and share the gospel of Jesus Christ.

I’m very glad when I browsed in this site. It is good to spread and reach out the people around the world through internet. There’s a new world waiting for you- the world where everything is perfect and to be with God forever. United Church of God International provides video sermons to strengthen your faith to God.

Find the church where you can find the truth and the true gospel of Jesus Christ. Young people, find the church where you can find the youth to encourage you and walk in faith. Encourage young people to do youth bible study lessons. Find time to fellowship with the young people and enjoy God’s goodness. Give time to spend to worship God. Find day to be with God, know the holy day for God. Our time is running out keep your faith.

God bless always.


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