Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Center Of Excellence:MSU-IIT

Our School's so-called "Fountain"
Here’s another photo shot from me. Wish me luck for my passion for photography.
Here’s another captivating shot from our school’s spot. I love it. This photo was taken from our school. LOL. Most f my subjects are from my school (Mindanao State University- Iligan Institute of Technology)- I’m in the school most of the time.
Keep going everyone. god bless

Title: Center Of Excellence (Cool! LOL)
Photography: no.3
Photographed by: LinGZ


  1. I love this shot it is so tranquil and serene. The lily pond and waterfall are beautiful. Very nice.

  2. Beautiful pond :)
    Thanks for sharing it with us


  3. That is so cool.
    I love the aura it sets.
    Good luck girl with your photography and life itself :)
