Saturday, July 25, 2009

I'm Sick

I’m sick. I still have cold, cough and fever. I hate to take medicine but I have to- mom might scold me.LOL. I hate to be in bed the whole day but I have to.

I’m so sad because I didn’t go to church today. Today is Sunday but I’m still unwell. I pray to God that I’ll be okay soon. I need to rest for the whole day. Well, all I have to do is to meditate myself. Seek God’s presence and I’ll be okay.

Keep going everyone.


  1. I hope you feel better!! Rest up and in no time you will be back on your feet!!

    Candles, Crafts and Whatnot

  2. hey! hope u get well soon! i beileve God sees your heart and your intentions and that is what really matters! you can go to church everyday and still not love God, but you, your heart is after God's and that makes you very blessed!

  3. Sometimes, like when we are sick, it's a great time to steal away w/ the Lord, and enjoy the quiet!!! I pray that you feel better soon...blessings...:))

  4. I am sorry to hear that you are not well. I sure hope that it is not serious.
    Make sure you rest a lot. Rest it the best medicine besides laughter :)

  5. aw...
    hope you get well soon :)
