Friday, July 31, 2009

Dare to Share Jesus

Friends pray for us.
We had already started our youth revival in the school. Yes, I haven’t told you about this last week. But I’m glad and find joy in serving God. He is so good to me. He always sealed all our plans and actions. I keep on praying to him to seal our plan for the Bible study last Monday- and He did. Thank God we’ve done our first Bible study at school (every 4:30 PM). This Bible study is for the purpose of encouraging each other and remind us always about the word of God. By receiving Jesus in our heart, we will now ready to share it to others.

God keeps on doing His best to bless us spiritually. God will always faithful to us, He will always do miraculous things and I believe that He will turn our University into a God fearing and Christ like Christian youths.

At this moment, we were six in the group. Me, Beth, Li Ann, Jairee, Kristy and Ritchell . But we believe that God is going to multiply our numbers. There is going to be a big revival among the youth in our University. We will always pray and believe in God.

Dare to share JESUS!


  1. God bless your pioneering of a Bible study. "For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them." Matthew 18:20

  2. It's great to have friends to encourage you in your walk with Jesus and who you can pray with and for each other.
