Friday, July 31, 2009

Cory Aquino: At Peace (1933-2009)

Cory Aquino died today August 1, 2009-at the age of 76. She died in a Cardio Respiratory Arrest. The former President Corazon “Cory” Aquino died in a colon cancer. The whole Philippines are mourning in her death.

It’s my deepest condolence to the people and Cory's family.

Pres. Cory symbolizes democracy and peace. Quoted from Manila Philippines (Yahoo)- “Former President Corazon Aquino, who swept away a dictator with a "people power" revolt and then sustained democracy by fighting off seven coup attempts in six years…
…The uprising she led in 1986 ended the repressive 20-year regime of Ferdinand Marcos and inspired nonviolent protests across the globe, including those that ended Communist rule in Eastern Europe.”
We will always remember Cory’s great courage and picture of Democracy to the people. She gave the Philippines the true picture of the people power.
I’m praying for her soul. As long as she received Jesus in her life, I know she will be saved and live in eternal life.
God bless you Cory. You are truly a picture of a true mother in our Country.

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