Monday, July 20, 2009

Cindy Jacob's Prophecy for the Philippines

"The Lord would say to the Philippines...
...For I have waited for a generation that could raise up a purity and and a holiness in.
... I am raising up firebrands- there is a forerunner anointing... coming upon the youth of the Philippines.
Look and see what I will do in Mindanao...
For I am going to visit in a way that you cannot imagine.
I'm coming to Mindanao says the Lord..."

This is the prophecy of the Prophet Cindy Jacob to the Philippines.
Philippines will rise up... there's a big revival that will happen. It is the prophecy of God's promises...

Please do watch it. And be anointed.

Here's more related videos about it:
Prophecy of the Philippines
Cindy Jacob's Prophecy to Eddie Villanueva

1 comment:

  1. The churches will be at their most glorious form when Christ come again :)

    Blessed days Lingz!
