Tuesday, June 30, 2009

How's my Weekend?

Happy Wednesday my friends… Again? Oh, so stressful. I can’t believe it’s already half of the week. Yeah, the time runs fast. Well actually I enjoyed my whole weekend that’s may be the reason why I didn’t noticed the time. Well tomorrow will be my “reporting time”, so I don’t wan to feel stress for tomorrow’s report. Well then, I’m trying to reminisce some of the enjoyable time last weekend.
I’m so thankful to God because He never leaves me all the way. He gave me something to think about (happy memories) whenever I need it. This enjoyable moment happened last June 28, 2009 at my Lola’s house… (my grandfather’s sister). Actually that was the time when we bond together with my relatives- together with my beloved cousins. Yahoo… though I’m not prepared for tomorrow’s class report but still I just want to make myself calm and relax.
I wish it's a real tiger (grrr...)

My cousins... :) and Me


  1. hapi bday lola,saya naman ng party.

    gudluck sa reporting... :)

  2. Good luck on your reporting tomorrow!

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  4. I wish that is not a real tiger. if not, who want to write in here if you been eaten by tiger?
    Nice picture my friend.
