Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Young Love

Young Love ( a confession)
Young Love?





Our subject for today is young LOVE.

What kind of love is it?
They say,

- it’s a mix emotion and feelings that you don’t even ask your mom about it.
- it a thesis statement during your sleepovers to do your term papers
-it is like, writing her first name with your last
- crying with your favorite pillow without any reason at all (you just feel like doing it)
- it is like going back and forth to the mirror to check if your okay
-borrowing his notes to know his penmanship
-keeping an eye on him whenever he’s doing P.E (physical education) class
-asking for his perfume to know his scent
-keep on thinking on him in your 18th birthday
- doing F.L.A.M.E.S in your notebook- name match (it’s a Filipino game)
-you can't do your home work because you keep on thinking on him/her
-I’ve already memorized his/her 11 digit phone number

………… what else can you remember when you were still young at  heart?.............

I’m open for your comments. Colorful thoughts and experiences from you is widely accepted in this post.

Love must be experienced. Its meaning is infinite and can never be totally defined.
It is important to stand in Love, not fall into it. Please be guided about this feeling. Because sometimes you were deceive with intimacy and affection. Young love… it is good but let it grow, nurture it and wait for it to bear fruit, and then you can harvest the true meaning of… LOVE.

Always remember God love you and He wants someone that is right for you. Don’t rush to find love. Let God find it for you. Stay calm and relax. In fact you are still young.


  1. I can still remember when I was still 6 years old, whenever I saw my crush in school, I want her to be my playmate always after school and share some snacks to her...just imagine my age feeling like that..lol

  2. I don't believe in this young love , its all because of the age problem . .
