Friday, May 8, 2009

When they say… “I Do”

Hello everyone…
Well, I was so busy in my OJT at our school’s office.
Getting along with the people you just met- a month ago- was a quite hard for me to do. Yes, I get used to mingle with them (my boss’) and I’m glad that they are all friendly to me. Ma’am Lorie, Carole, Josie and sir Jingle – they are my boss’ but they didn’t show to me that they are superior.
We usually get along together when Ma’am Lorie asked me about any suggestions for her wedding day. She’ll get married this year and we are all busy for the preparation. We are all helping her to search for the best stuff in her wedding- the food, cakes, dresses, restaurants, gowns and most especially wedding rings. She had already the engagement ring but she’s still looking for the best and finest one to use when they exchange vows at there wedding day. I just hope that she’ll find the best wedding ring for both of them.
God bless to Ma’am Lorie and to her future husband.

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