Friday, May 29, 2009

Health Check

I’m back from last week’s youth camp. Well, I’ve been there for five days and I’m very much happy and I really enjoyed the moment. I was glad because it is an opportunity for me to grow as a Christian. I meet a lot of friends and fellowship with them. The place was good and the foods are delicious.
I’m at home now and I’m craving for my favorite foods to eat. I just wish that mom will cook my favorite dish tonight. Speaking of favorite dish, mom cooked my favorite chicken adobo. Wow it’s really delicious.

It is important to be health conscious this time. After the camp, I learned that we have to take good care of our body and to our health. But as I’ve noticed that I always eat chicken, beef and pork meet and I never eat fish meet. Our body needs to have Fish oil omega 3 fatty acids. Check out for the new food supplement that fits for you. Do you know that fatty fish may help prevent memory loss? And omega 3 is also good for your health. I should really have to take food supplements this time because health is wealth.

Stay healthy and live a happy life.
God wants us to live a healthy life. Our body is the temple of God so we must take good care of it. Keep going. God bless.

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