Saturday, May 30, 2009

Back to School Resolution

Hello friends. Well, I did have a good time during our youth camp. My summer was really fun and enjoyable. I was happy because the camp was successful, but I was a little bit sad because classes will start on the first week of June. Though being in school is good, but I just wish to extend more time for my summer vacation.
Since classes will start in June I have to prepare for the back to school event. I have to enroll on Monday and then this Wednesday, classes will start. I listed all my “back-to-school resolutions” and to sum up everything, its main goal is to do better and do well at school. I just saw my evaluation of grades lately and I thank God for my grades but I want to improve more especially some of my subjects got a low grade.
I got low grades in some of the subjects like Educational Technology- tackles particularly on computer education. Though, I’m good at computer but there are some areas in it which I do not know. I want to do well in different academic areas and this coming school year I wish to enroll on a computer classes. It is good to learn different technical skills to enhance your knowledge in Science and in Technology. Knowledge and skills are one of the assets to be competitive in today’s employment and job hiring.
Do your best in everything you do. Keep going. God bless.

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