Thursday, April 2, 2009

Wanted OJT Company

It’s been a week and a half, since the last time our OJT instructor required us to find our company where we will conduct our OJT. It is really frustrating because until now, I still can’t find the right company that will accept us. Yes this is my fault, because I spent a little time to work for it. Plus, we can’t go anywhere because we’ve been busy working for our final project. We send letters to the different company but until now we haven’t receive any reply from them… maybe because we have to be there to talk personally to HR (human resource) organizer.
Wanted OJT Company
I’ll have to find a company for my OJT (on job training) 
I know that God planned everything. He knows the right company for me and He knows he that I can cope up with it. I just have to wait patiently here. So while waiting, I’ll enjoy the day- blogging for sure. LOL. Keep going.

1 comment:

  1. hey lingz. i feel the same way when those HR people dont call up as fast as i want em too. but i hope that you would get that call for your ojt. cheer up! have a nice day!
