Monday, April 6, 2009

Unexpected Rank

I was surprised this morning when I opened my so-called "old-stagnant blog". You know what I’ve seen? Well, it’s just a matter of my own happiness…
Unexpectedly I discovered that it is already a PR 1. Why is it I’m shocked? It’s been a long while since I’ve updated my blog. My last post from that blog was last February 10… and since then I’ve never open it again. I already forgot bout that blog. That’s why I was amazed how I gain that PR 1 (page rank) blog. That was amazing.
My blog was “Happy Virus”. I was just over whelmed and thank God about it. Here's my blog.

The Happy Virus

If you could also support that blog, it will be a pleasure to me. Thank you very much. And God bless. Have a happy day to all.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Gwapa.

    Would you accept P500 for a banner link from your site to this site

    let me know comment me at
    the banner is there too
