Monday, April 27, 2009

Perfect for a Pose

I was working at our school’s office for my OJT and I’ve learned a lot of things there. I also meet new people I called as friends. Well, they are my boss’s but they treat us as a friend. We work there with my colleague Litlit and we really had a great fun working with our boss. Actually tomorrow will be there pictorial day (for all the stuffs) and Ma’am Lorie, one of my mentor and my boss, asked me for an advice on what to wear for tomorrow’s pictorial. Well, I’m glad that she really asked me about my opinion. The theme should be in semi-formal.
Speaking of semi-formal, well I found some interesting dress from the net. I know that this one will surely suite for her. Though she can’t have it right away, but for sure this one will be perfect for ma’am Lorie.

This is Steven Alan skirt. It is fashionable skirt. It has different styles. It comes with different designs like it’s floral that will surely match with different upper dress. You can pair it whatever you want- whether it’s formal or non-formal look. I’m excited to tell her about it. I just love seeing ma’am Lorie wearing it. She will surely look so beautiful.
Keep going everyone. Wish me luck for tomorrow’s work and activity. God bless.

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