Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter egg: New Life

God renewed our life each and everyday. He was there to reconcile our life and make it for the better. Today, let’s celebrate God’s goodness in our life. He was resurrected and now, He lives in our heart… We have to make a stand and live for Christ. God wants our sinful nature to be buried in the tomb, and cloth us with a new life.
Let’s celebrate God’s resurrection because it means victory. Us sinners, we were washed by His blood. And we are forgiven. We are no longer dead, but Christ lives in us.
Let’s celebrate Easter Sunday. (I don’t know why it is always associated with the egg, egg hunting and etc.) But egg symbolizes a new life. So let’s celebrate though.
Keep in touch in Christ and blessed Sunday to all of us.
Keep going.

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