Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Distance Learning

Finally it summer time but I’m not fully excited and happy about my summer because of my OJT. I feel like I was at school my teacher required us to do online learning were in we have to submit our weekly reports about our accomplished task. Now what can you say about that? It is like distance learning at all.
I think almost all of us had experienced to be in school right? But not all of us experienced distance learning. Now what do you mean by distance learning?
Distance learning is a kind of learning where in the learning processes are done through internet communication and in distant setting. As a student taking up an Educational Degree, I’m pretty much aware on the benefit of distance learning. Distance learning has a lot of advantages. It’s like enrolling in college but this time, you will be enrolling in an online school- connected with internet base communication. Unlike with the ordinary colleges, there’s not personal interaction between the teacher and the students. Distance learning has online colleges which serve as its campus. Through distance learning, you can avail a diploma or certificate after you finish your degree.
Are you interested? I was very interested on it. For more help and guide in choosing the best degree courses and schools, why not visit onlineschools now?
Keep going, I hope that I can be familiar with the programs that our teacher will use during our distance communication and learning. Keep going everyone.

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